“For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.” (Gospel for Nov. 10, Mk 12:44)
The lowly widow received praise from Jesus because her gift came from her substance and not her abundance. There is much to be said for the “give until it hurts” approach to charity. We ought to give sacrificially, and it is not much of a sacrifice to give away things we don’t use or money we won’t miss. Remembering what Jesus gave us should challenge us to greater sacrifice for others.
This month, I challenge you to prayerfully examine your level of giving, both of your treasure and your time, and consider whether you are giving as much as Christ asks of you.
When you give of yourself — whether of your financial resources or your time — do you give only from your abundance? What might you be able to sacrifice in order to provide more assistance to those in need? Are there any specific actions you could take to give more to others?