“By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.” (Gospel for April 28, Jn 15:8)
Have you noticed the progression in the challenges over the past months? If we recognize who Jesus truly is, we must listen to him and serve him. We have St. Joseph as a true model of that faithful service and discipleship. Now we are told that the Father is glorified through our discipleship and the fruit we bear. By being faithful disciples of Christ, may we bear much fruit and so glorify the Father.
This month, I challenge you to prayerfully ask yourself if you are bearing much fruit as a disciple of Christ and then identity and undertake one way you can be more fruitful.
What fruit do you currently bear — in your marriage and family, in your relationships at work or among friends, and in the broader community? Are you mindful of the needs of those around you and the opportunities they present to bear fruit? Are there things you can do to become still more fruitful in your Christian witness?